Monday, September 30, 2019

Principles of Time Management Essay

Time is one of the most difficult resources to manage. You can not take back what is already lost, you can not renew the times that you missed. Moreover, it is one of the measures that all men are created equal because everyone is just given 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours a day. In our fast paced world where everything seems to run ahead of you and you just have to chase time after time to accomplish things, you need a real good time management. Ecclesiastes chapter 3 in the Bible talks about time for everything. â€Å"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven,† states in the first verse. This chapter alone teaches or urges people to set a time for everything to better manage time. There are a lot time management principles that we can suggest to a person however, it would be up to the individual to make the principles work. Dr. Jan Yager (1999) outlined seven principles in the book â€Å"The 7 Principles of Creative Time Management.† These include: Being active not reactive, setting goals, prioritizing actions, keeping focus, creating realistic deadlines, doing it NOW and balancing life. The D-O-I-T-N-O-W Principle states the following: Divide and conquer what you have to do. Break big tasks into little tasks and give each part of that task a realistic deadline. Organize your materials, how you will do it. Ignore interruptions that are annoying distractions Take the time to learn how to do things yourself. Now, not tomorrow. Don’t procrastinate. Opportunity is knocking. Take advantage of opportunities. Watch out for time gobblers. Keep track of, and in control of, how much time you spend on the Internet, reading and sending e-mails, watching TV, or talking on the phone. Before you know how to manage your time, you should first know what time is it. It is not telling the time in your watch but knowing the right thing to do at the right and proper time. However, you should also get a sense of time by tracking your watch. You can take control of your whole day if you know what time it is and what you should be doing on those times. Other than you good watch, you should still use other tool. One of which is a planner. Sometimes you can not memorize everything that you need to do in a day or in a week. Sometimes, you can not know if you have already done one job if you do have your list and you may result in doing it again; thus wasting your time. Grab a planner and make you checklist for the day. A planner use wisely will help you keep track your activities and help you evaluate regarding having balance. When you keep track on all your activities, you have a way to evaluate throughout the week and make it better if necessary. If you have the tools above and you still have the problem in managing your time, you need to identify the problem. Do you procrastinate? Do you always entertain interruption and waste your time in unproductive work?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Time management may be difficult but as the Bible says, make time for everything. Do not focus on how to manage

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Physical and cognitive changes

What are some examples of the physical and cognitive changes people go through when they enter late adulthood? To avoid any confusion and to more clearly represent my personal opinions, perspectives and points of view, I think it necessary to divulge my age. I turned 55 on December 25, 2012. I must say that hitting 55 was a mental challenge for me. ARP considers the age of 55 to be Senior Citizen Status. May restaurants give discounts to their patrons who are 55 years of age or older. Our text sites many theories on aging and I have read them all.Since no one knows exactly why we age and die, there is no correct answer to the aging theory. I subscribe to the Damage Theories and specifically the Wear-and-Tear Theory. In quoting our text it suggests that Damage Theories relate to internal, microscopic damage to the organism and is responsible for death. We know that with use, machinery like cars and dishwashers break down. There is no definitive research linking death to wearing out, b ut it is one of the most common explanations people have about death. This view is called the wear-and-tear theory. Of course, the body is not a machine.Weight/body build Total body weight increase until the mid-ass then begins to decline. – Weight loss n later years is not due too sliming of the torso but a loss of muscle mass and bone. Voice Due to changes in the larynx, respiratory system and muscle control of the vocal cords, – the pitch of our voice lowers two or three notes on a scale and – may begin to quaver due to loss of control over the vocal cords. – there is also a decrease in volume The effects of age in internal system Bones – bones in your body loss strength as you age, due to loss of calcium and other minerals, – resulting greater vulnerability to fracture. Smoking, using alcohol, diet, and having a sedentary life all contribute to greater one loss Micro fractures Joints There are age losses in virtually every structural com ponent of the Joint! – the cartilage. Arthritis is a disease category that characteristically impacts the Joints, resulting in swelling, pain, and stiffness. Heat and cold compresses. Musculature – Between 40-70 muscle strength drops between 10-20% – between 70-80 the drop is 30-40% – Muscle mass is replaced with connective tissue that makes the muscle stiffer and heals slower after injury.Reaction time The time between stimulus onset and our response decreases with age. – Reaching peak in our teens and early 20. Cardiovascular serious limitations of the heart's ability to pump blood through the circulatory system adequately for all the cells. – The reduction in the ability of the heart to pump is due to ? » changes that affect the structure and functioning of the heart muscle wall ? » the cardiac muscle becomes less responsive to the neural stimulation of the â€Å"pacemaker† cells that initiate contraction ? » the effects of a ging and poor health habits on the arteries of the heart reduce flow as well. ? Under normal conditions During aerobic exercises or other strenuous activity ? Poor health habits Regular exercises Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. – Defined as any problem associated with the heart or blood circulation. – The likelihood of dying of some form of cardiovascular disease increases dramatically as we age. Included in cardiovascular disease are – hypertension (high blood pressure) Generally any systolic over 140 mm Hug and diastolic over 90 mm Hug. ? congestive heart failure stroke (cerebral vascular disease) and peripheral vascular disease – of which the most common is atherosclerosis. Heart disease Arteriosclerosis – – referring to the narrowing of the arteries Arteriosclerosis – Referring to a loss of elasticity and hardening – which restricts blood flow to the rest of the body including the heart itself. This process begins in childhood and is inevitable. The extent of the buildup and the ultimate impact on functioning is a product of our health behaviors. CAD – Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death in later life. While men are more effected by CAD than women – women are still susceptible to the disease. Hormonal systems ? Most notable changes are in sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen and in the production of insulin) – the capacity of the pancreas to produce insulin reduces Diabetes mellitus – – Menopause – reduction in the production of estrogen and progesterone – Symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, vaginal and urinary tract changes, and some experience significant swings in mood or feelings of strong emotionality. ? Link to osteoporosis and CAD Immune system A reduction in the effectiveness of T cells, which destroy antigens (foreign substances like viruses that enter the body) as we age. S tress can also influence this – Whereas social support has been found to increase the effectiveness of the immune system. Neural systems We are born with nearly all the neurons we will have in our lifetime – and over time they die. – This loss does not mean there is an associated reduction in cognitive or other functions a we will see. Senile plaques. ? Neurotically tangles – Neurotically tangles Changes in neurotransmitters Supplies of all neurotransmitters decreases with age. Dopamine -controlling motor movement and other functions may become depleted uh to the aging of the substantial Nigeria. Morphogenesis – associated with learning and memory. – However, the decline in neurotransmitters that occur with normal aging do not result in dramatic changes in functioning or behavior. When a neuron dies other healthy neurons will generate new connections to compensate for the loss. This repair system is aided by cognitive stimulation, exercise, and health habits.Pulmonary The are usually measurable declines in the efficiency of the pulmonary system – the musculature system that controls breathing (diaphragm, chest cage stiffness) degrades in addition there may be loss of lung tissue and elasticity of the lungs. Health habits Stamina – Digestion/excretion The digestive system acts more slowly The social context of eating Healthy eating – Seniors who are depressed tend to eat irregularly and less than non-depressed structural changes to the kidneys that result in impaired efficiency adulthood. Incontinence effects 19% of women and 8% of men over 60 * Did you expect the age in which you currently are, would be different than it is? L, to this day have the mind of a 25 year old. I think, process, enjoy life and live through he eyes of someone much younger than myself but when it comes to the physical aspect of my actual age, I suffer greatly from chronic pain and feel as if Im about 80 years of age chronol ogically. My muscular-skeletal system has degenerated at a much more significant rate than my socio-emotional mind has.I fear that my mind may one day give way to age as a result of inundating it with constant pain. Eventually the brain will no longer endure and I will yet again experience the â€Å"Wear And Tear† theory and the brain will break down and I will suffer the consequences aforementioned and death will be inevitable. Where would you like to see yourself ten years from now in terms of your family life, career, and education? Ah, the imagination! The imagination gives us the ability to see ourselves in any circumstance, any wild and wonderful scenario, either in the world or out of it.It can take us on the â€Å"future trip† of all time, spinning our reality around until it is only vaguely recognizable. Look at how easily children create new realities to enjoy with their supple imaginations. Cardboard boxes can become snow forts, and a comfy chair can instant ly become an ancient regal throne. The bathtub an become a formidable pirate's ship, all decked out for navigating the perils and adventures of the high seas. Children can imagine themselves anywhere, doing anything. And that is what I try to do. It is important to dream, to envisage a possible future.As the poet, Longboats Hughes said, Dreams Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. So, that is what we are going to do. I am going to encourage you to dream, to imagine. Stretch your imagination ten years forward. Imagine yourself really happy. See ourselves enjoying life, smiling. The rules that apply now, may not apply in the 10- years-from-now-world. Any sort of upheaval may or may not take place between now and then. So, I feel free to let my imagination run rampant about my future.Now, spend some time examining what your happiness looks like. What are the components to it? What ingredients are in the background? What contributes to that happiness? Then, slowly come back to the present. Now, think about what it might take to get you from here to there. Ten years is a pretty long stretch into the future. Ten years ago, Google was in its infancy. Many things we didn't believe were possible then, are in fact possible today. So even if what you are left with as the way to happiness seems silly, or improbable, give some time over to thinking what you can do to get there.The future changes, transmogrifies (my new favorite word), and shimmers into all kinds of unexpected places. But, if you start putting steps in place now, as the world shifts, your steps can shift as well. When faced with a life decision, think of yourself as happy, and ask â€Å"How will this decision help me get there? † I am not suggesting that happiness of self is the be all and end all. But we can do more for others if we are happy in the now, as opposed to miserable, or unsatisfied o r stressed beyond manageability.I am also not suggesting that a dream will always come true, or even that it should. But I do think that dreamers are happier. And I think that wishing for one kind of happiness can end us up at another kind, maybe even a better one. When I think of my own happiness, I am thinner, more physically fit, more engaged in an active community of people, more financially secure and helping more people purposefully. My own list surprised me. And there are things I can do now that I know will help me get there.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Creative piece of writing and rationale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Creative piece of writing and rationale - Essay Example Thus, realities of life give birth to the formation of literature. Looking into the history of the world at large, it becomes obvious that all human societies have worked for the preservation of their culture in the form of poetry, art, sculpture, drama, paintings and other forms of creativity. It is therefore ancient Greek philosophers and thinkers have discussed literature in their lectures and writings. Plato has also analysed literature critically with special focus on poesy. He has declared poetry as mere imitation of life, and a true literary genre presents the actual picture of patterns of life without concealing the bitter facts it maintains. Aristotle, in his renowned Poetics, views men mere objects of imitation. â€Å"Since the objects of imitation are men in action, he argues, and these men must be either of a higher or a lower type, it follows that we must represent men either as better than in real life, or as worse, or as they are. It is the same in painting.† (A ristotle: Poetics, Chapter 2) Poetry, drama, novel, fiction, prose, essay, short story and sonnets are the main literary genres, among which romance maintains the most significant place that has captured the attention of the readers especially during the modern and post modern times. Different scholars have defined the term romance differently. Usually romance is attributed to those pieces where both the theme and the events present the story in comparatively more glamorous and adventurous way. â€Å"Something grander†, Peck & Coyle view, â€Å"than the novel’s familiar concern with social issues is involved in the romance, because it suggest a search for some truth beyond that which we might encounter in ordinary experience.† (1989, p 118) Romance is especially attributed to English and American literatures, from where it has successfully completed its long excursion in a systematic and persistent way. â€Å"A romantic novel†, Wikipaedia

Friday, September 27, 2019

Internet censorship Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Internet censorship - Term Paper Example Some of the reasons cited for internet censorship include the need to preserve social morals and to the need to safeguard national security. On the other hand, opponents of internet censorship argue that such a move by the government limits the freedom of speech and the access to crucial information thus leading to reduction of the citizens’ welfare (Zuchora-Walske 2). One of the arguments that have been put across for the censorship of the internet is the need to protect the social norms. Proponents of internet censorship argue that unlimited internet access exposes children to pornography and hate speech thus negatively affecting their morals. In addition, the government should censor the access to homosexuality sites and religious sites that try to propagate negative religious doctrines that may affect social cohesion in the society (Russell and Cohn 67). Opponents of this argument assert that parents have the primary responsibility of safeguarding their children from porno graphic sites by implementing internet filtering systems thus government should not censor the internet. They argue that censorship jeopardizes the right to information and right to conversation through the internet (Day 10). Another argument for internet censorship is the protection of national security. ... Google has in the past protested against China’s decision thus leading to removal of the servers. However, Chinese people can still access Google servers using Hong Kong name, but cannot access certain search names especially that deal with online entertainment sites and government information (Russell and Cohn 126). According to the proponents of internet censorship, the suppression of some internet information usually upholds the social values in the society. In fact, some countries have implemented different censorship strategies in order to uphold the existing values and traditions of the citizen. This type of censorship upholds the moral of the society. For instance, Asian countries such as China have blocked internet sites that promote homosexuality and internet gambling. According to this argument, it is the responsibility of the government to protect the moral fabric of the society such as the family values, the gender roles and cohesion through preventing access to in formation that is contrary with the morals of the society. In addition, censorship will protect the population from sexism, segregation and racism that is usually exposed to children and citizens in the social websites. A further related argument of internet censorship is a need to ensure religious tolerance through preventing the furtherance of negative religious doctrines that may expose the country to religious based violence. In addition, censorship ensures that customs and taboos of the society are preserved. The dress code, sexual expression and religious beliefs are preserved through censuring the internet. However, critics argue that social values, taboos, dress code and religious beliefs change with changes in the society.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

New styles and techniques of art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

New styles and techniques of art - Essay Example The transition was as a result of scientific information availability, technology advancement and the increased appetite for practical examination that changed the styles and techniques used to create art forms. Art movements and techniques that came up resulted to the following resulted to Modernism, impressionism, realism, divisionalism, futurism amongst others. Modernism can be traced to the early 19th century as a result of industrial revolution. Art at this point used techniques like rewriting, revision, recapitulation, reprise and incorporation which distinguished it from the basic traditional art methods (Kuspit 82). This was seen as the best medium to illuminate the livelihood of working classes in the urban setting against the expanding industrial platform in Great Britain. Manet was a great artist that revolutionized modernism because he clearly brought about the element of realism in his France impressionism was under modernism involved a change in focus by a group of new age artist that concentrated on the outdoors as opposed to indoors bring the aspect that human beings see more than mere objects. A good example is Pablo Picasso’s piece of ‘les demoiselle’s d’avignon’ in 1907. Divisionism is a clear form of art technique used to describe the change in 19th to the 20th century. The method was employed by impressionists and realists, an example of a well renowned artist by the name George Seurat (Kuspit 110). The technique entails putting colors in their fundamental forms or elements, using small dots platform to paint. This gives a luminous effect that is rich in color especially if observed from a distance. A good example of this technique is Seurat’s own work of ‘island of la grande jatte -early nineteenth century’. Realism is an art context or concept is the attempt to place a subject or object in its right position with minimum to absolutely no artificial interference and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Finance principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Finance principles - Essay Example The company held a meeting to discuss the launch of its new product and the top management discussed in detail about the cash flow analysis and projections of the liquid detergent. The Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Mc Donald presented a report in a meeting which included the cash flow projections for the new project. He was planning to purchase specialized equipment and production facilities from Donnalley limited. Mr. Gasper, the production manager, inquired the CFO that why wasn’t he purchasing the equipment from Danforth limited. Being the financial analyst, I will analyze the purchase of equipment and facilities from Donnalley as well as Danforth limited if the company was planning to go with the project. If the company will buy specialized equipment from Donnalley limited, then it is expected to have increased net cash flows for the project. For the first four years, company will be able to get increased cash flows of $580000. While for the next three years, company is hopeful to receive higher cash flows of $650000. However, the company will get net cash flows of $550000 for the remaining four years of the project. There will be reducing depreciation on the specialized equipments of the company which are shown in table 1. The Radiant limited will experience loss in sales revenue from the existing product lines during the term of the project. The EBIT and NOPAT are calculated for each year in the table 1. Following are the formulae for the calculations of EBIT, NOPAT and free cash flows. In the fifth year, there was a need to purchase additional production facilities to meet up the growing demand of the detergents. The company will invest $5000000 to continue operations and production of detergents. The terminal cash flows are also calculated to come up with the free cash flows of the last year of the project. Let us suppose that the company can also purchase the plant, equipment and facilities from Danforth limited for launching a new

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fashion Journalism, reporting in high-heels Essay

Fashion Journalism, reporting in high-heels - Essay Example The essay "Fashion Journalism, reporting in high-heels" concerns the fashion journalism. Under more frequently than not deal with "trends" and "tendencies" that are personal, and in attachment with some tenuous attachment with the details, the expression "journalism" is employed as a nickname, but does not convey general procedural and ethical facets of expert journalism. Work Fashion journalist can be rather varied. Typical work encompasses composing or revising items, or to aid in the design and mode of the Fashion shoot. Fashion journalist normally expends much time revising and / or carrying out interviews, and it is very significant that she or he has good associates with people in the Fashion business, encompassing designers, photographers, public relations and technicians. This study examines the connection between Fashion in newspapers and Fashion coverage and the UK displays that such coverage in the huge most developed by the PR, to the span, that there is little unaligned journalism Fashion actually does exist. Despite the detail that the presented review of report causes sharp to the expanding leverage of PR on the content of the media, the connection between journalism and Fashion stayed attention and unstudied. However, the amount of Fashion content in the newspapers of Great Britain has expanded considerably over the past two decades, and actually retains an important amount of space, far after the Fashion sheets and supplements. Fashion journalists, on the other side will stay at a grade. ... More Media = More Potential Fashion journalism is no longer concentrated on composing characteristics for newspapers and magazines, but now encompasses a kind of functions. In supplement to composing and revising, you are open for the design of photo shoots, public relatives, study, meetings and design. Numbers of media have furthermore expanded after just composing for publish, to online magazines, websites, TV and blogs. Even with added choices, Fashion journalism is more comparable in the vocation application and takes many of exercise. Bivins, T. H But if you're eager to put in an hour of hard work and little free work, you can absolutely make your way to the top. Nature of the target audience    Fashion journalist, a journalist and professional investigator, who aim on tendencies in the quickly increasing Fashion industry. Depending on their location of work, the work may have distinct responsibilities. Hines, et al. Some journalists spend most of their time in the agency, bro wsing the Internet assets, and carrying out phone and internet note interviews. It is significant to Fashion journalist to have very good connection abilities and proficiency to supply intriguing data for a broad audience through phrases and pictures. The Art of Fashion Journalism Reporting on the topic "Financial Times Fashion reviewer Vanessa Friedman notifies me; influential detractor of Fashion International Herald Tribune acquiesces, noting that newspaper journalism is no distinct from any other kind of journalism. Writing about Fashion counts on the exact inquiry on one edge of Fashion - apparel, accessories, luxury pieces, but on the other hand, the Fashion business in a market economy. Clothing has a communal function, as Miles, Steven recalls me: "Clothes manage not

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Vietnam War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Vietnam War - Essay Example This semi-autobiography of the author is his exploration of his past as he travels through his home land, Vietnam, which also helps him in accepting his identity and hence provides the hope for a better future. The reason that the writer needed to go on this journey was because his transsexual sister had committed suicide under the pressure of not being able to identify her existence. This had triggered the author to look for his own identity. So, he goes on a trip to his homeland Vietnam travelling through various places that had held meaning to him during his childhood. He hopes to see the same Vietnam that he had left years ago, looking for his dear friend the one he trusted so much. However, as he travels through the land he is confused and surprised to see the way things had changed. This book is remarkable in the way Pham explains the changes, his feelings and the confusion of an out of place Vietnamese American. The main theme that is easy to pick up from this book is that of the confusion that exists for the second generation of refugees. â€Å"I tell them I’m Vietnamese American. They shriek, ‘Viet-kieu!’ It sounds like a disease. The news travels down the procession and the excitement subsides. Half of the group peels away, losing interest since I am not a real foreigner† (Pham, A. page no. 125). I think the identity of a person is very important for him and the way a person’s identity is created through his nation, his name, his family and through people associated with him. When a person has to move away from his nation, his family, his friends a part of his identity is lost. Creating a new identity is not easy especially when the new place happens to be so different from where they come from. This results in the constant dilemma that the writer also faces. â€Å"In this Vietnamese much, I am too American. Too refined, too removed from my que, my birth village. The sight of my roots repulses me. And this shames me deeply† (Pham, A. page no. 183). When people like the writer himself go back to their roots it is more of a displeasure to see that what they had left does not exist anymore. The roots they can associate themselves with does not exist anymore. This does not just further confuses them about their identity but forces them to rethink about their identity. â€Å"They smashed all the alley homes a long time ago. New homes are built right against the back of all the street-front houses. No more alley. But what about the people who used to live there? The Vo family? Gone. All gone†¦.Come. Meet the new people and some of the old ones who are still here. I want to leave . This place is empty.† (Pham A. page no. 101). Pham explains the feeling of seeing everything that should remind him of his roots and yet does not connect to him. His words are a solace to all those who have gone through the same phase. Seeing things change so drastically does leave the feeling of emptiness , it is difficult to accept the changes, even though had the person been in the same place he would have gone with the flow changing with the changes brought about. But it’s different for somebody like the author whose memory holds a different picture not allowing the person to accept a different picture. It is just not easy to easily accept the change. â€Å"

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Movie Review Example merican politics appears to be largely stage managed by the affluent sections of the society, in the climax it portrays a healthy picture of the American politics, where the leaders listen to the voice of their conscience and were the values like honesty, fairness, family bonding and justice manage to thrive over selfishness and untruth. 3. The lesson that this movie tends to convey is that essentially the American politics is value driven. The mechanics and the framework of the American politics and the public expectations are such that they tend to push back the fake and the selfish. Though at a superficial level, many a time it may seem that the privileged sections of the society have a greater say in the political setup, eventually it is the strong undercurrent of integrity and uprightness that always has a final say. 1. Thank You for Smoking, a 2005 film directed by Jason Rietman, is essentially about the exploits of a smooth and smart tobacco lobbyist Nick Naylor who uses his public speaking skills to win support in the favor of smoking. The film depicts the ploys and schemes resorted to by Nick Naylor and his like minded friends to mould and influence the public and political opinion in favor of the causes that happen to be basically harmful to the public health. 2. The view of the American politics as presented in Thank You for Smoking is quiet negative and disturbing. In Thank You for Smoking the American politics comes out as a political system that is vulnerable to being managed and influenced by the people who are influential, powerful and deft public opinion managers. The American public is shown as an unsuspecting victim to the schemes of people who are not averse to lying and using faulty logic. 3. While State of the Union ends in the victory of the essential American values like honesty, integrity and justice, Thank You for Smoking tends to project the victory of the powerful and the unscrupulous over the desired political values and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Dream Is A Work Essay Example for Free

Dream Is A Work Essay A dream is a work of art which requires of the dreamer no particular talent, special training, or technical competence. Dreaming is a creative enterprise in which all may and most do participate. – Clark S. Hall Dreams Nightmares I.introduction I. Dreams are the touchstones of our characters. Henry David Thoreau Have you ever been curious about what your dreams and nightmares actually mean? Dreams can be mysterious, but understanding the meaning of our dreams can be downright baffling. The content of our dreams can shift suddenly, feature bizarre elements or frighten us with terrifying imagery. The fact that dreams can be so rich and compelling is what causes many to believe that there must be some meaning to our dreams. People have always been fascinated by their secret night-time journeys. Over the years there have been many theories as to why we dream and the function dreams serve. II. What is a dream? – What is a nightmare Nightmare’s distinction is its frightening and emotional content. People wake up in fear in the middle of a nightmare. Because of this, you are more likely to remember your nightmares than your good dream. Studies have said that sensiive people are more prone to nightmares because of of their empathetic surroundings. Dream is a series of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. We all experience dreams while we sleep III. Facts about Dreams Dreams can be fascinating, exciting, terrifying or just plain weird. 1. Everybody Dreams 2. But You Forget Most of Your Dreams We forget most of our dreams just right after waking up because of our brain condition while were asleep. Although most dreams vanish, certain ones tend to remain. These dreams were so beautiful or bizarre, they captured our attention and increased activity in our DLPFC. Thus, the more impressive your dream or thought, the more likely you are to remember it. How to understand what your dreams mean The symbolism in dreams is often simply borrowed from recent events. The first time the above dream occurred was after the woman had been watching a television programme about sailing. The symbols are rather arbitrary; it is the feelings in the dream which hold the key to unlocking dreams and what they mean. The feelings in the dream are usually an exaggeration of feelings from the real-life issue which caused the dream. If you feel terror in the dream think of when recently, in your waking life, you felt a little frightened. Or if you laugh hysterically during a dream look for a recent time when you found something funny but were maybe constrained from laughing too uproariously. When you find the dreams match it often feels like a clicking into place like a perception rather than an intellectualisation. When you astral project, your astral self is leaving your physical, corporeal body and roaming around on the astral plane. If that’s happening to you, you are extremely aware that it’s happening. It’s not something that happens unconsciously. So, a true astral projection is when you leave your body and you maintain your awareness in your astral body while your physical body stays prone and asleep. So, that being said, however, what happens at night is your astral body becomes aware, it sort of wakes up, but it doesn’t necessarily leave your body. In that way, I could see why you’re asking â€Å"Does the astral body hover over the body while sleeping?† I can tell you that during the times that I have astral projected and gone to visit friends I can see their astral bodies moving out of phase with their physical bodies. So, usually I see a person’s head coming out of their physical head. So, I kind of see their incorporeal head here – their astral head – and their physical head just underneath them. And they usually look pretty shocked. I don’t know if that’s because they’re sensing my presence or that’s how it looks normally. I would have no way to tell, but I can tell you that the astral self does move out of phase a little bit from the physical body while we sleep. At least from what I have seen. This would make sense to me, because when we sleep our bodies are going into sort of a hibernation that allows our astral self – our astral body – to separate and explore if it wants to. If we want to. Always remember that you are attached to your corporeal body with your astral cord, which is what helps you get back into your body after you’ve been out for a while. You don’t want that to get severed . That’s the end of the show if that happens. So, yes, I would say it’s true that every time you sleep your astral body becomes aware, that it is free to move around, but a true astral separation you would be very, very aware of. It would not be something that you’d forget. So I would say that yes, there is some astral activity every night when you sleep, but probably not a full separation. Good question. If you liked this article, sign up to receive free updates. - Top of Form The difference would depend on how you feel about the dream upon waking and what you see as a nightmare. A nightmare is more typically something dreamt where you may well have a conscious recollection of a specific terror. Being pursued by a relentless creature or thing that would harm you, for instance. What you describe may have more to do with a bad dream that is based on some conflict in your life. You dont name any particular thing that you recall of the dream, so the dreams may be more to do with a waking issue almost literally fighting wakefulness. We pass through an odd world of twighlight as we emerge from sleep. Dreams happen mostly just before waking and in a way we often drag them with us. The waking experience itself can be disturbing enough to a pleasant dream to generate the response you describe in some people. As we awaken we can go through a semi-waking awareness of sleep paralysis and some can fight that, lash out as if they are restrained by something unwanted. As the mind comes awake the muscles release this and begin to work on command and we lose our grip on the dream: perhaps even a nice one. Stuff to fight over? Depends on how you feel. If nightmares it is odd that you dont mention specific details. This really sound more related to a waking issue as sleep is released a combination of physical and mental influences driving an agitated response. In the past, when we didnt know the importance of the meaning of dreams, they were undervalued by everyone. Today we know that our dreams are very important not only because they show us a live map of what is happening inside our psyche, but because they give us objective information and guidance about everything that happens in our lives. How can your dreams help you? You have to start keeping a dream journal and a diary where youll take notes of the most important events of the day to begin receiving the help you require. Study the dream language according to the scientific method of dream interpretation the same way you study any foreign language, so that you may easily learn how to translate the dream images into words that make sense to your conscious mind. Your dreams usually talk about you and your life, especially in the beginning of your occupation with dream translation. Later they will give you information about other people and everything else you care about. This is why your diary will help you understand the dream messages. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams sends you answers to your questions in dream messages, information about the things that most worry you, and explanations about what is happening in your life. When you are worried about the results of your tests, the unconscious mind will relieve your anxiety by showi ng you that everything will be fine. When you are making mistakes, the unconscious mind will send you dream images about the past. You will see yourself as you were when you were younger, because you will be repeating a maladaptive behavior that characterized your personality when you were still immature. For example, in the previous day if you were thinking about quitting your job youll understand that the unconscious mind is sending you a warning. You must not be irresponsible like you were when you were a teen. You need this job and you should forget the idea about abandoning it. The unconscious mind will help you find a better job if this is the case, but you should be patient. Work where you are now, and learn everything you can. Tomorrow you may need the experience youll acquire for working in this job, or the good references youll have from there in order to work in a higher position there or somewhere else. You will see dream symbols that have a positive meaning in your dreams after making some progress in dream interpretation, and after transforming your personality to a degree. The personality change is a positive result of dream therapy. Then you may see that you have found a key in a dream. This dream symbol shows you that you have finally found the solution you needed in order to solve a difficult problem. You only need to learn the meaning of the most important dream symbols and understand how the information contained in your dreams helps you correct mistakes in your behavior or eliminate illogical concepts and bad ideas you have formulated to effectively change your life in a positive and rewarding way. In the beginning you should write all your dreams down and compare one dream to another, analyzing an entire dream collection, so that you may really learn the dream language. Once you get used with it, youll automatically translate all dream images into words, immediately understanding the dream messages. Christina Sponias continued Carl Jungs research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Importance of Interviewee Nonverbal Behavior

Importance of Interviewee Nonverbal Behavior The Importance Of Interviewee Nonverbal Behaviours In The Interview Process In Vietnam Table of Contents I. Introduction: II. Literature Review: III. Methodology: IV. Data Sampling: V. Appendix/References: I. Introduction: Research problem: The model 7:38:55 is well-known for its emphasis on nonverbal behaviours. It suggests that verbal behaviours only contribute up to 7% the effectiveness in communication (Mehrabian, 1972). According to Mehrabian, there are three elements which account for our liking for the person expressing their feelings: + Words: 7% + Tone of Voice: 38% + Body Language: 55% The model has received criticism ever since: It is not applicable due to its theoretical approach, combining two different studies and excluding negative emotions, men, other forms of nonverbal communication. As a result, Mehrabian’s model still remains a controversy within experts. Nowadays it is often regarded as ‘the myth of nonverbal communication’. However, undeniably, nonverbal communication plays an important role in our society. In human resource management, the interview process is considerably critical. Since the 70s, there have been various studies about the effects of interviewee nonverbal behaviours on interviewee performance. However, none has been able to clarify this problem. In Vietnam, there has not been any research or article about this area. Therefore, in this research, we will attempt, for the first time, to examine interviewee performance and the importance of interviewee nonverbal behaviours in the interview process in Vietnam. Research objective: + Determine the effects of interviewees’ nonverbal behaviours on their performance. + Identify critical nonverbal behaviours. Research questions: + How can interviewees’ nonverbal behaviours influence the interview decision outcomes? II. Literature Review: Key concepts: Nonverbal behaviour: â€Å"Nonverbal behaviour includes behaviour that might be emitted without the awareness of the encoder (the one conveying the information)† (M.L. Knapp and J. A. Hall, 2005) Theories: There have been numerous theories about nonverbal behaviour or communication. However, most of them have yet to be proven exactly true. Despite that fact, they have been of significant help for researchers since then. + Semiotics + Nonverbal Code Systems + Proxemics + Kinesics All these theories pointed out that, in one way or another, nonverbal behaviour affects human interaction in daily life without us realizing it. Hence it is most important for us to study nonverbal behaviour in order to improve our interaction. The theoretical model of interviewee performance proposed by Huffcutt, Iddekinge and Roth (2011) has helped us construct our own conceptual framework. Their study on interviewee performance has suggested that interviewee performance consists of several variables, forming different sets of factors which may involve behaviours of both the interviewee and interviewer. This recently-constructed model has been of great help for us to examine the effect of interviewee nonverbal behaviours. Empirical review: Conceptual framework: Based on the theoretical model presented by Huffcutt, Iddekinge and Roth (2011), we have created our own conceptual framework by sorting out the irrelevant factors, not concerning nonverbal behaviours, and modifying the remaining sets of factors. This framework explains how interviewee performance reflects his or her nonverbal behaviours through three different elements: interviewee characteristics, interviewee state and interviewer-interviewee dynamics. + Interviewee Characteristics may affect the interviewee nonverbal behaviour, hence his or her performance. For example, apparently, Asian men and European men have significantly different understandings about nonverbal behaviours. + Interviewee State can reflect his or her true intentions, feelings and thoughts. Fortunately, it is quite easy to observe one’s behaviours and figure out their state. Invariably, the eyes, arms and legs are considerably informative about our feelings and thoughts. + Interviewer – Interviewee Dynamics refers to the interrelationship between interviewer and interviewee. This is one of the most important set of factors as the interaction between interviewer and interviewee can significantly enhance or worsen interviewee performance. For instance, when the interviewee nonverbal behaviours match with those of the interviewer, this means that they are attracted to each other. III. Methodology: Qualitative From the 70s to the 90s, researchs about nonverbal behaviours mainly focused on quantitative method as the researchers thought that with exact and accurate numbers, they could have been able to shed light on ‘the myth of nonverbal communication’. It was not as effective as they thought. Since 2000, qualitative method has replaced quantitative as the critical method for this area due to its in-depth and detailed findings, highly-focused on the problem. Presumably, it is reasonable for us to use qualitative method in this study. For the qualitative method, we need to collect data from the interview process, preferably videotaped interviews from certain companies, regarding: + How accurately can interviewer identify interviewee nonverbal behaviours? + How can interviewer rate interviewee nonverbal behaviours? Specifically what are the most important nonverbal behaviours that the interviewee needs to possess or display? Consequently, the relationship between these nonverbal behaviours and the three elements mentioned above are examined to identify the effects of interviewee nonverbal behaviours on interviewee performance. Data analysis method: We intend to use inductive approach as it is very common and effective in qualitative method. In addition, this might be the first research ever in Vietnam about this problem. Hence inductive approach is most suitable for our research. IV. Data Sampling: Primary and Secondary Data Data Collection Method: + Interview + Focus group + Observation Sampling: In order to acquire more accurate data, we agree to collect data from the interview process in several human resource companies in Vietnam, such as: + Talentnet + RGF HR Agent Vietnam + Faro Recruitment Vietnam + Kosaido HR Vietnam + HR2B + JSC + NIC + Le Associates + Manpower Group ­Ã‚ ­TM As many researchs since 2000, we expect to use judgment sampling because it might help emphasize the experiences and expertise of the researchers in the research process, which later can contribute to the depth and detail of our findings. V. Appendix/References: M. L. Knapp and J. A. Hall (2005), Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction (6th Edition), Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. A. Mehrabian (1972), Nonverbal Communication, Aldine Transaction. M. A. Gotcher (1990), Nonverbal Communication In The Job Interview: First Impressions And Nonverbal Immediacy, Texas Tech University, 1990. S. P. Levine and R. S. Feldman (2002), â€Å"Women and Men’s Nonverbal Behaviour and Self-Monitoring in a Job Interview Setting†, Applied Human Resource Management Research, Volume 7, Number 1, 1-14. D. Weinstein (2012), â€Å"The psychology of behaviourally-focused rà ©sumà ©s on applicant selection: Are you hiring managers really hiring the ‘right’ people for the ‘right’ job?†, Business Horizons 55, 53-63. T. V. McGovern and H. E.A. Tinsley (1978), â€Å"Interviewer Evaluations of Interviewee Nonverbal Behaviour.†, Journal of Vocational Behaviour 13, 163-171. A. I. Huffcutt, C. H.V. Iddekinge, P. L. Roth (2011), â€Å"Understanding applicant behaviour in employment interviews: A theoretical model of interviewee performance.†, Human Resource Management Review 21, 353-367.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Using Nature to Relieve Stress Essay -- Emotions Environmental Essays

Using Nature to Relieve Stress Hectic and busy lives seem to be the norm and a major part of today’s world. People are always rushing to get things done, whether it is a project deadline or just keeping up with the pace of life. These time constraints are usually related to external influences in our lives – work, school, traffic, family, friends and/or life in general. All these factors create drama in life and lead to stress; however, some people have higher levels of stress than others. Stress is not healthy; in fact, it has been proven to cause serious health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, depression and even death. Sometimes, people just need to get away from the stresses of life, do something different and just RELAX!!! This may involve taking a day off from work or the stressor in life, going to the beach or some other place, getting a massage, or anything else to escape the stressor. What many people do not realize is there is something usually not far away that c an relieve stress – nature. For many people nature is the number one way to relieve stress. There are numerous videos, cassette tapes and CD’s on the market that show nature scenes and/or play nature sounds. One might ask why. Well, the answer is that nature tends to be peaceful, calm and relaxing. It is a place where someone can get away from the madness of a busy life. There are many companies and individuals trying to sell all kinds of things to get people to relax and â€Å"de-stress† their lives. In addition to the videos, tapes and CD’s, there is an abundance of marketing strategies to relieve stress including: counseling, exercise or health clubs, pills, massage therapists and health spas. All this â€Å"stuff† can becom... ...ess, which in itself, may create more stress from the financial burden. Nature is basically free – all one has to do is get there. For most people, it is right in their back yards, and they may not even be aware that it is so close. Many large cities are creating greenways and natural areas with trails so that people can escape the hectic rush of city life and get back to nature. This is also a positive way of helping with pollution by having more trees to provide oxygen. You can just sit and relax, let your senses soak up nature, or take the verbal approach and scream out your stress. Whatever you choose to do, don’t bash nature as a way to relieve stress until you try it. Ultimately, stress is harmful and can have long-lasting physical and emotional effects on a person. Just do it - believe it or not, nature may be the one thing that can relieve stress.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Misleading Perfume and Cologne Advertising Essay -- Advertising Market

Misleading Perfume and Cologne Advertising You sit down to watch one of your favorite TV shows one night and you see it, one of those perfume commercials. On the screen you see a beautiful woman walking up a flight of stairs in an elegant dress with diamonds hanging from her ears and neck. Her face is a picture of perfection, with a slight hint of a beautiful smile. Entering on the left of the screen is a man in a black tuxedo he; wraps his arms around her and kisses her passionately on the lips. They both look at the screen and smile. On the bottom of the screen is a small bottle marked with a label of a recognizable perfume company. Now coming back into reality from the mesmerizing commercial, consider what affect this perfume has to most of the typical consumers of this product. A consumer may wear the perfume while at a nightclub in order to attract some attention from members of the opposite sex. However relying on only the fragrance to make them attractive to others may not achieve the desired effect. Ev en though smell can be a very powerful sense, it does not affect desirability as much as we would like to think. In fact advertisers usually spend millions of dollars in order for these commercials to create ideal images for the perfume or cologne’s effect. Most cologne or perfume commercials are misleading because they try to portray an image that their scent, and their scent alone, will create effects that are often unrealistic. Some common ploys cologne and perfume company’s use are: that their product will make one feel good about themselves, make one look gorgeous and make one desirable to members of the opposite sex. Take for example the advertisements for Axe body spray, in whic... .... These commercials often portray unrealistic situations and reactions, which may mislead the consumer into believing the product will have an affect beyond the sense of smell. The most awful smelling scents could be the top selling cologne or perfume if advertised in a way to catch the attention of the audience. A recent cologne ad did a set of commercials utilizing this statement, â€Å"scent is one of the strongest ties to memory how do you want to be remembered?† This sentence is evidence that the advertisers are trying to make you think that if you buy their product you will be remembered any time that someone smells anything similar to that product. Most perfume and cologne ads rely on half-truths As far as shopping for fragrances I might suggest that you go with a scent that you yourself enjoy and don’t rely on others to enforce your opinion with false advertising.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Maturing In The Faith :: essays research papers

In the course of reading Chapter 1 of our book, I came across something that I have known all along but taken for granted, as though it was not more important than my upcoming doctor’s appointment. It is the simple yet breaking fact that I do not know what I believe in, or rather, I know what I believe, but I don’t exactly know why I believe. And I am not alone in my plight. Most Filipinos, unfortunately, are guilty of this folly. We all have faith in God, not because we know the Sacred Scriptures to the letter, not because we know and live the Word. We believe because, quite simply put, we were brought up in Catholic households, and educated in Catholic schools, and what sticks to our minds is that to be a good Christian, we must have faith in God. We get too extreme about it at times and take things too literally that we miss too many points. To be fair, our faith is “genuine';, as the book also said. We truly believe in God and we all try to live as good Catholics: mass every Sunday, rosary with the family every night, we go to confession and retreats, and we pray when we wake in the morning and before going to bed. But sadly, other than those “routine'; elements of being Christian, most of us do not really understand what the Bible says, or what the priests are preaching, or what really is the will of God. Neither do we involve ourselves with other people who are part of the Church. Not to mention, how we seem to think less of non-Catholics, instead of trying to share what we are all supposed to know, the Word of God. A friend told me about a conversation he had, the other person saying that non-Christians will never enter the kingdom of God. He was dead serious when he said this, which made me wonder if we, in fact, are better than the non-believers, or if we are any different at all. I can say with a clear conscience, because I believe it to be true, that I have faith in God. What I cannot reconcile myself with, is the undeniable fact that I lack insight into what I believe in. I will not be able to go out and tell another person about how the Spirit liberates me, because even as I know this, I do not completely understand it.

DISC Platinum Rule Personality Assessment

A good listener, a great companion, trustworthy, and the facility to finish what one started – these are the adjectives used to describe people who characterize the personality of the Steadiness Style. These words describe the strengths of the Steadiness Styles, and depict what characteristics help them in order to accomplish their life goals. If we talk about social interaction and relationships, the Steadiness Styles lead all the other personality styles. They are open to intermingling with other people, most often influenced by their being open communicators and sociability.Although they may not appear to be the life of the party like the Interactive Styles, the Steadiness Styles draw attention from people just the same because they are good listeners. In addition, when they talk with other people, they always make sure that they express support and are able to understand the situation and emotions of the people they are in contact with. Their image of dependability and tru stworthiness draw other people to open their hearts to the Steadiness Styles.In some instances, the Steadiness Styles appear to be passive and round about, allowing other individuals to see them as obedient and yielding. This kind of attitude allows them to draw other people who are willing to also listen to them and be trustworthy like the Steadiness Styles. In short, their goodness when it comes to listening and being trustworthy comes back to them as expressed by the people with the same attitude who will also listen to and support them willingly. The purpose of the Steadiness Styles in their daily living activities is to soothe them and find comfort in stability.As the name of the style expresses, steadiness is what they seek. They find solace in a well-adjusted life, and because of this, they tend to take life easy by going about it as leisurely as possible. The Steadiness Styles are careful enough not to do things or make decisions that would disrupt the stability of their lif e. Among the four personality styles mentioned in the DISC Platinum Rule Assessment, the Steadiness Styles are said to be slower-paced than usual. They take life one step at a time by thinking and rethinking their lives, decisions, actions over time and again.When it is time to make a decision, the Steadiness Styles depend on other people to help them make the right choices. This is brought about by their need to interact with people and gain their appreciation. The Steadiness Styles ask for opinions from other people and they think about all the options that are available before finally choosing one absolute path to take. When it is time to act out the decision, they still need to ask the impression of other people about the decision that she is about to make.In this attribute of the Steadiness Style, we can observe that they are overly dependent on other people, and they are constantly searching for social interaction, relationships, and involvement from other individuals. The ass essment amusingly expressed that if we look at the work space of an individual who is a Steadiness Style, we would often see pictures of them with other people which greatly shows how they are attached to everyone they have encountered in their lives.Furthermore, this attachment to other people is manifested by their avoidance of disagreements. For the Steadiness Styles, they are most likely to live within a situation or an environment which is unpleasant to them, rather than be in a conflict with other people. As a result, the Steadiness Styles tend to say the things that other people want to hear or would agree with than express a genuine remark which they know would cause trouble between them and the people surrounding them.These desirable characters all in all will get them jobs that are appropriate to their attitudes such as a financial advisor, an insurance agent, a counselor, a teacher or a social worker, doctor or nurse, personal assistance, a customer service representative s, and the likes (as cited in the DISC Platinum Assessment report. Another aspect described by the report includes how the Steadiness Styles act in the work place. For these styles, they display desirable work characteristics and ethics because they courteous by showing respect to their superiors and colleagues, approachable, and responsible.We should remember that the Steadiness Styles are people-oriented; therefore, they are also good team players. They share tasks when asked to work with a team making them a valuable employee and colleague. As to the Steadiness Styles’ weaknesses, they are oversensitive and emotional, too submissive, slow-paced, and are unskilled in goal setting. For the Steadiness Styles to be able to counter their weaknesses and allow for improvement and development, the DISC Platinum Assessment report mentioned some pointers on how they may be able to continue improving their character.The Steadiness Styles should see to it that they are able to handle change in an accepting manner. Since their goal in life is to achieve steadiness, they are often shaken up by change causing them to be unsettled and unproductive. Change is a natural process that individuals cannot avoid; therefore, it is about time that the Steadiness Styles train themselves to handle change better. At some points in their lives, especially in the work place, everyone will be tasked to handle a leadership or managerial position.This would hurt the career of the Steadiness Styles if they are unable to pick themselves up and act accordingly to the changes that are required of them. In short, they should be able to handle stress and pressure that sudden changes eventually bring to them. The Steadiness Styles are also described as action-oriented. They are focused on doing and accomplishing things through action that they seem to lack in their logical thinking and analytical skills. It would help them a great deal if they learn how to think and analyze things by tappi ng into their creativity and innovativeness.They need to motivate themselves go beyond what they already know and discover a whole lot of unexplored ideas and thoughts that would contribute to their knowledge and experience, adding to their character and sense of being. When it comes to their interest in getting involved with other people and building relationships, they should keep in mind that they have their own identity and not depend so much on other people. As mentioned above in their characteristics, they avoid conflicts with other people by being passive and obedient.This is a weakness that should be changed in order to achieve greater potential. They should be comfortable with who they are, what they think, what they want to do, and what they want to say, even if it means that other people will not agree with them. This will help in self-empowerment and also strengthening their relationship with other people by being true with themselves and their family, friends, and colle agues. I do not entirely agree with results of this assessment because there are other characteristics in the report which I do not observe to be doing in my everyday life.I agree with the report because I actually do love company and I love meeting other people because I am interested to know who they are. However, I am more likely to express my opinion with other people even if I know they will not agree with me. Perhaps, I have surpassed my passiveness. In line with the issue though, I remember when I was younger, I would act passively with other people. I will not air comments or any other opinions, but rather, I listen to the remarks of other people. Now that I am older, I guess I have conquered that fear of rejection.I also agree with the report because I always see to it that everything in my life is in place. I do not like chaos, especially when I look at my life. I always want stability that is why I go to great lengths in order to achieve it. Overall, the DISC Platinum Ass essment activity has been engaging because it mirrors, although not entirely, who I am, and it gives suggestions on how I should change myself in order to become a better person and in turn, achieve my life goals straightforwardly.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Development of Language

The manner in which children learn to understand and successfully communicate through language is among the most important questions studied by psychologists. The appropriate use of language is central to virtually all aspects of learning and social development. Successful and appropriate language communication is also closely linked to the individual’s place in society, while the inability to communicate clearly hampers and may virtually eliminate a person’s ability to cope with even the simplest educational and social situations.The drawings produced by preschoolers can be channeled by parents and teachers so that they can print letters for a start. They will not be able to distinguish writing from drawing initially but around the age of 4, children will show distinctive features of print like forms arranged in a line on the page (Levin & Bus, 2003 as cited in Chapter 8). The studies of imitative language focus on children’s acquisition of grammatical rules by observational learning.Investigators have also been interested in whether the substance of a child’s language can be modified by exposure to social models (without any reinforcement to the child for appropriate responses). Numerous experiments have now disclosed that principles for generating novel responses can be acquired through observation of others (Bandura and McDonald, 1963). If principles of language usage, rather than mere words, can be shown to be acquired through observational learning, then, thus would provide at least a partial account of the process of language acquisition.Erik Erikson as psychoanalyst taught that any person, child or adult faces specific life crisis that they have to resolve in order to perform their tasks (Atkinson 1993). During early childhood or preschool, a child develops an ability to initiate activities (Atkinson 1993). teachers have to learn how to encourage or discourage them in order that the child would not feel inadequate (Atkinson 1 993).During middle child hood or elementary, children learn various skills such as reading and writing, but they have to interact socially with others in order to feel successful or competent, otherwise they would feel inferior (Atkinson 1993). During this time, a teacher should constantly but reasonably praise a child for a job well done. Another way of supporting the development of language in early childhood is through make-believe play. Piaget claimed that by pretending, young people can now practiced and strengthen newly acquired representational schemes (Chapter 9).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Developmental Theory, Moral Development, and Gender and Cultural Influences

Most people are confused about how humans grow, mature, and develop a unique personality. This research paper will discuss the two different theories of Kohlberg and Erikson pertaining to human’s personality, moral development, and their gender and cultural differences.It will further explain the role of each stage of human development in shaping a certain aspect of their behavior, and how it changes over a period of time. Developmental Theory, Moral Development, and Gender and Cultural Influences Human beings start to develop from the time of their birth and will continuously change and develop until they reach the stage of adulthood.There are many theories that attempt to explain how human beings develop their personalities and identities over a period of time. Looking at the different theoretical views in psychology, it can be very confusing and misleading in terms of how an individual matures and develops.However, these theories will further explain and somehow let people understand the whole process of maturation and development of an individual. Two developmental theories will be discussed in this paper, as well as their similarities and differences.The paper also aims to present how these theories affect the development of an individual from birth to adulthood. The theories to be discussed are Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development and Lawrence Kohlberg’s stages of moral development.Erikson's Model of Psychosocial DevelopmentErik Erikson is a developmental psychologist who believes that a person develops their personality in a series of stage and ages. Erikson’s theory describes the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan. Erikson's model of psychosocial development is a very significant, highly regarded, and meaningful thought.Erikson developed the eight stages of psychosocial development of an individual. In each stage, he believes that people experience problems and conflicts in life; thus, it serve s as a turning point in a person’s development throughout his or her life stages. These problems are expected to develop or impede the psychological ability of an individual (Wagner, 2008). The first stage of Erikson’s developmental theory is the Trust vs. Mistrust. This occurs between births and when a child reaches one year old. It is said to be the most fundamental stage in life.It is a stage where a child learns to trust the people around such as the mother or parents who are expected to be there and provide them with their vital needs like care, love, trust and food. Since an infant is absolutely dependent, developing trust is usually based on dependability and quality of the child’s caregivers.If a child finally develops trust, he or she will now feel secure living in the world. On the other hand, if trust is not developed in this stage, a child may develop fear and a belief that he or she lives in an unpredictable and conflicting environment (Chelsi, 2006 ). The second stage occurs when a child becomes a toddler.This stage is called Autonomy Vs Shame and Doubt. In this stage of development, early childhood is focused on enhancing a greater sense of personal control. For instance, when a child learns to control certain parts of his or her body like toilet training and learning how to walk, then he or she will have a sense of control.This child will feel independent as well and develop a sense of autonomy to do something on his or her own. However, if the child fails to attain personal control, it will result in feelings of shame and doubt (Wolfe, 2007). Stage three of Erikson’s theory is called Initiative vs.  Guilt.This stage happens when a child becomes preschool already between the ages of four and five. In this stage, a child become more active and will play and explore a lot. It is also where a child develops a conscience and begins to understand what is right from wrong.Support is extremely needed in this stage because if it is not present, feelings of guilt can develop and will be the source of conflict later in the child’s life (Wagner, 2008). Fourth stage in this theory is Industry vs. Inferiority. This stage occurs when a child reaches the age of 2-12 years old and when they attend early school.Every child needs to feel that he or she has achieved something in every work he or she does, most especially in school. That is why school is very important in this stage of development. If a child constantly successfully achieves something with the use of his or her own skill or ability, there will be a greater chance that the child will feel proud and confident within him- or herself. On the other hand, if the child fails to achieve something, it may result in feelings of inferiority and low self-esteem in the child’s personality (Wagner, 2008). Identity vs. Confusion makes up the fifth stage of Erikson’s theory.This stage takes place during the adolescence period of an individua l. Adolescents will try to discover their identity and figure out their personality and where they should belong in the world. It is the stage wherein a child begins experimenting since it is a way to discover him- or herself. If the child was not able to discover and know him- or herself, then there will be role and identity confusion in them. Consequently, he or she will be confused with his or her function in the world and can cause dilemma later on in the next stages of life (Chelsi, 2006).The sixth stage of this theory is Intimacy vs. IsolationThis happens during early adulthood between the ages of 18 and 40. It is a stage wherein a person explores personal relationship, specifically intimate relationships with other people. Thus, in this stage, people begin to date and find a partner to marry.Those who are successful will achieve a sense of intimacy and security from their partner or other people, while failure to do so may result in isolation and feeling of loneliness and dep ression (Wagner, 2008). Stage seven occurs at the age of 40 to 65, and it is called Generativity vs. Stagnation. In this stage, an individual continues to build lives but focuses now with career and family.This is where a person learns to care and be concerned for other people. Being active and participative in the world is what people feel if they succeed in this stage. However, having less self-worth is what people would feel if they fail to meet this stage successfully (Wagner, 2008). Lastly, the eighth stage in Erikson’s theory is called integrity vs. despair. This occurs in old age between ages fifty and up. It is a stage where people look back on their life and reflect on what happened.There may be a feeling of satisfaction or regret. They will have a sense of integrity when they feel happy and fulfilled with what happened in their life, while they may feel despair and bitterness if they think that their life was just a waste. Life is full of learning new things and cha llenges that help people grow and develop. This theory of Erikson is truly helpful for understanding a child and adult’s development (Wagner, 2008). The six stages of Erikson’s theory is related to the gender differences of an individual, with the fifth stage (Identity vs.Confusion) being the more crucial.This is because in this stage, it is said that people are try to seek their real personality and identity by choosing where they should belong and knowing their purpose in life (Streitmatter, 1993). Environmental, cultural, and ethnicity factors are present in the whole stage of a person’s development. These factors influence an individual over the period of time when a person matures and lives his or her life. Environment such as the family, school, and the whole society is always involved in the process.In addition, a certain culture and ethnicity of a person may give a great influence as well in shaping an individual’s personality, which makes them a certain persona living and functioning in the world. There may be a culture that is acceptable to the norms of a specific group of people, but then that specific culture may not be common and not acceptable to the other, so it is very important to know also where a person originated so that a person may understand why some people has different beliefs, values, and behavior in life (Child Development, 2006).Kohlberg’s Developmental Model of Moral Development Kohlberg’s theory is quite different from Erikson’s theory. His theory focuses on the moral development. It is divided into three levels with two different stages on each level, which gives a total of six different stages of moral development. Level one is the pre-conventional morality level, and it has two stages. The first stage is the obedience and punishment orientation. It is a stage wherein a child learns what is right and wrong actions and behavior.Children also learn in this stage that for every actio n they make they will gain a certain consequences of it. For example, if a child does something good, then they will be rewarded. On the other hand, if a child does something bad, then they will know that there will be a certain punishment and consequences for their actions. The second stage under pre-conventional level is called individualism and exchange. At this stage, a child learns to be concerned not only for himself or herself but for other people as well.Children start to learn reciprocity and stand in the position of doing something for other people if it is for his or her self-interest. Hence, the child will follow a certain rule if he or she knows that she or he will gain something from it. Children at this stage are very focused and concerned with fairness and equality. The justice here is â€Å"do unto others what as they do unto to you. † Thus, if a person does something good to somebody, then he or she expects that the person will do something good to him or he r as well.The same thing happens if a person does something bad to somebody; he or she then can expect that the person will do something bad to him or her in return (Crain, 1985). Level two is conventional morality, and the third stage is good interpersonal relationships.In this stage, children do something because they already know that it is good, and they will be able to have good relationship with family, classmates, friends, and neighbors. They now know the concepts of trust, care, love, and being concern with other people, giving them a good impression of themselves from other people’s perspective.In this stage, children aim to please people around them, and intentions are basically all good, since they are very concerned with having a good image to portray in the society, and since they are expected to behave in a way that the society asks them to behave. Fourth stage is maintaining the social order. It is still quite related to the third stage, but in this stage, a pe rson become fully concerned not only the people around them but the whole society and environment already.Now in this stage, a person learns about obeying laws and respecting the people and the authority, and they focus on performing a certain duty so that there will be a social order in the society. People at this stage will be knowledgeable about the societal law, and they are automatically expected to abide such laws that are imposed into their society and environment (Crain, 1985). Next is level three, and it is called the post-conventional morality where the last two stages lies ahead. The fifth stage is social contract and individual rights.During this stage, an individual believes and looks into his or her own moral values and principles in life and becomes aware that it should be also good for the society. People develop their own opinions, beliefs, and values in life in this stage.They also understand that codes of conduct are relative to their social group. This varies fro m culture to culture and subgroup to subgroup. A person enters into an agreement with fellow human beings to treat them fairly and nicely and to respect authority when it is equally moral and deserved. Lastly, the sixth stage is called the universal principles.This stage involves the universal ethical principles in an individual’s life. A person uses his or her conscience and their own ethical principles to decide what is right and wrong behavior and actions. Here people are motivated by their conscience that surpasses cultural, religious, or social convention rules (Uncgrad, 2007). Kohlberg’s theory and stages of moral development is said to affect the gender differences, environmental, cultural, and ethnic influences in ways. A research says that gender differences have no effect in the moral judgment of a person.However, they discovered that female are more likely to mature than male in the adolescent stage, making female more advanced when it comes to moral reasoni ng. Research states that girls are generally about two years ahead of boys in cerebral cortical and social-cognitive functioning (Silberman & Snarey, 2007). On the other hand, factors such as the environment, culture, and ethnicity of a person have a great effect also in developing a person’s moral judgment since these are factors that are always present in an individual’s life.For instance, when two different races such as Western people and Asian people are compared, the difference in culture and beliefs is very evident that it is only likely that they will have different moral judgment (Mulder, 1997). Both theories of Kohlberg and Erikson critically discuss and explain how a person builds their personality and moral development in the life span of an individual.Understanding both different stages of Kohlberg and Erikson will also prevent people from having conflicts and dilemmas in facing and dealing with life since people already know the sources and origins of hum an’s personality and moral development. References Chelsi (2006). Erik Erikson's Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development. Associated Content. Crain, W.C (1985). Chapter Seven: Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. Theories of  Development   (pp. 118-136). US: Prentice-Hall. Mulder, B. (1997). Moral Development's Development: Recent Research. Hope College.  Retrieved October 14, 2008 from Quintana, S. M. , et al. (2006). Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in Child Development:  Contemporary Research and Future Directions. Child Development, 77 (5), 1129-1141. Silberman M. A & Snarey J. (2007). Gender differences in moral development  during early adolescence: The contribution of sex-related variations in maturation. Current Psychology, 12 (2), 163-171. Streitmatter, J. (1993). Gender differences in identity development: An examination of  longitudinal data. Adolescence, 28, 55–66. Uncgrad, (2007). Kohlberg's Stages of Development. Associated Content. Retrieved October 14, 2008 from html?cat=7. Van Wagner, K. (2005). Stages of Psychosocial Development.  Retrieved October 14, 2008 from Wolfe Good (2007). Erik Homburger Erikson's Grid of Psychosocial Stages of Childhood  Development. Associated Content. Retrieved October 14, 2008 from

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How can we protect our natural environment? Essay

The environment is our planet. It provides us with natural resources that are used for everything. It needs to be protected and so future generations can leave with no environmental problems as we are facing nowadays. Some countries develop with sustainability, this means that hey use the resources tht the planet provides in an efficient way so future generations can use them. To begin with, we can protect our natural environment by doing simple things that everyone can do. For example we can protect the environment by using the less we can the electricity, or by not throwing the garbage to the floor, instead yo toss it in the trash can , we can also recycle. Using public transports is another way to protect the planet, this is because there are less cars used and this causes less polution. Industries are trying to use there resources in an efficient way and ussing alternative sources of energy to cause less polution. Moreover there are three R’s that will make us protect our planet. This three words are very important: recycle, reuse and renewable. Recycle means to use already used products to make new ones so they do not produce more and use more natural resources. For example the empty bottel of a coke, they refill the empty glass bottel so they do not produce more bottles. Reuse is bonded to recycle is means to use again like the coke i just mentioned. Last is renewable it is about using a product that has not one use, it can be used as many times as you want. For example instead of using plastic glasses you use a normal glass, beacuase you use it, then you wash it and then you can use it again. Last but not least another way to protect our environment are the alternative sources of energy. Most of the planet’s energy produced is nuclear or with coal. Studies are being made and some are used nowadays of these alternative sources of energy that are renewable. For example the energy is produced by using the ocean, the wind, the heat of the inner core of the planet or the sun. Nations are being encouraged to develop this alternative sources of energy to cause less polution and protect our planet. They are not used very much nowadays because as there is not enough research this alternative sources of energy are not cheap and they do not produce the same amount of energy as the non-renewable sources. To sum up we can protect our environment in lots of ways. From a simple thing that anybody can do to something that an entire nation can do. What we can say is that it does not matter how little the help is , it helps although you think is does not. Using these advices we can protect are planet so future generations can use it and it’s resources. It is vital that we protect our environment and it is probed that we can do something a bout it.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The European Parliament has decided to undertake a review of the Essay

The European Parliament has decided to undertake a review of the development of the Preliminary Reference Procedure under Articl - Essay Example Only the Court of Justice is accorded by such power to give preliminary rulings except in cases stated under Articles 275 and 276 TFEU and Article 10 of Protocol (No 36) on Transitional Provisions of the Treaty of Lisbon (OJEU 2008 C 115, p. 322). Legal luminaries explained that the procedure was laid to ensure the effectiveness of the cooperation of the Court of Justice and national courts. It eases the procedural mechanism (a) to ascertain what court has jurisdiction to hear and interpret question of laws with uniformity; (b) provide guidance for national courts in the application of this procedure. The question should also be stated in a legal form clearly, concisely and simply. Information must detail the subject on dispute, findings of factual situation and should be written in a tenor following possible applicable provision of laws with citation of national case-laws with correct references. The national court must provide ample reason which motivated the body to bring the ques tion to the Court of Justice for interpretation or validity as well as the relations of such stipulation to the national provisions. It must also have summary of relevant contentions of parties under such proceedings. The ruling will be rendered by the Court of Justice free of fees or charges. This ruling procedure is solely for the interpretation of statutes, provisions and not about laws application to facts of cases. The process tasked the Court of Justice to simply interpret the meaning of the statutes and provisions of Europian Union Law which will be stated in a formal reply, but the referring court will assume the responsibility to make conclusion from such reply. The Court of Justice will not assume jurisdiction on cases where there is no genuine dispute, question of law apparently is hypothetical or if the national court failed to give factual legal information of the case. Further, under this new provision, as stipulated in Article 267 TFEU, those who can submit a question of law are any of the Member State’s court or tribunal who is aiming at gaining clarified judicial interpretation of a law. The national court may or may not refer a question to the Court of Justice in a preliminary hearing in order to arrive at appropriate understanding of the provisions and therefore help hasten the resolve of an issue brought to its attention with sense of resoluteness. If it’s evident that correct interpretation of the rule of law is present, the question need not be raised to the Court of Justice for legal remedy. It is the role of the national court to provide reasons about the necessity for Court of Justice to give judgment on a question raised—which must be, by the way, contextualized on factual and legal contexts. To reiterate, only new questions of interpretation should be submitted to intentionally draw uniformity of understanding and application of European Union law to cases or when circumstance arise where an existing case-law is not applicable to such set of facts. Critics to this procedure however raised that the procedure seem inapplicable to labor laws because Member States

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Camping in the Deep Woods to Sleeping in a Motel Essay

Camping in the Deep Woods to Sleeping in a Motel - Essay Example Now keeping your daily life in mind if given a chance to spend a vacation either camping in the forest or a trip around the city with getting yourself a room booked in a perfect motel, what will you choose? Now, this is a question of choice rather than comfort. Some might say that there is no point in putting yourself in danger and camping in woods when one has a decent option of living comfortably in a motel while others might say that there is nothing new in getting yourself a room in a hotel why not try something different and adventurous. So it really depends on person to person that what choice they make but everything comes with a price and so does each of them. Both the options have their pros and cons, which are discussed in the following paragraphs. Camping in the deep woods might sound very interesting and adventurous but it is not a very practical idea especially if one is with his/her family. First of all, you need to have all the required equipment for it and mind it that such equipment is not that cheap so a person who thinks about camping once in his life he may think that there is no point in wasting money in buying such stuff which will not be used that often. Moreover, if a person does have the camps and everything then they should be experienced enough to know how to make it stand so it does not fall off by the gist of wind! Sometimes you do need professional help in such kind of activity and if you are going on a holiday where you have a tight budget then you cannot afford to hire expert help. Compared to this, living in a motel can be simple but not necessarily cheap (depending on the standard of the motel) because they're all you have to do is get yourself a room and pay for it.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Capacity Planning and Performance Modeling Essay

Capacity Planning and Performance Modeling - Essay Example I have experienced working with work planner 1.40. The software helps to plan a wide range of activities for instance trips, events, vacations, meetings or other daily works. It uses intuitive charts to represent data, and a planner can see the plan at a glance. Moreover, the planner can print a chart report or a list report depending on their need. Therefore, the software is easy to use, does not have limits on the planning numbers, and is time saving and fast. Mimosa is software that is widespread used for scheduling and course planning in a variety of school and university regardless of its size. Platform: Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP. System requirements: 12 MB on disk. Language: English. Performance measurement software helps to test how the system performs under specific workload. It gives feedback, which is essential for managerial decisions. Moreover, measurement also enables users to improve the software process. It assists in monitoring planning and tracking the software project and evaluates the quality of the software thus created. I chose active strategy software and strategy scorecard. This is because of the availability of this software, coupled with the self-explanatory demos available online. This software enables the database to be placed on a network from which it can be accessed by many users. Security is enhanced by the operating system, and controls are enhanced on whom can run the program. In this exercise, I have learnt the crucial role played by modern technology particularly the advance in the software arena, in key management decision making. It is paramount for organizations to invest to conduct capacity planning despite the fact that servers are cheap and available. Moreover, I have learnt the core foundations and requirements of a successful capacity planning system and generally, the importance of capacity planning in an

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

News International - Phone Hacking Scandal Research Paper

News International - Phone Hacking Scandal - Research Paper Example The company is located in London city of the United Kingdom. It is the publisher of The Times, The Sun and The Sunday Times. The company has been regarded as being one of the world’s most successful in terms of share, growth, reader engagement, and circulation (â€Å"News International,† Despite being among the world’s most successful news publishers, and the United Kingdom’s top news publisher, the company has faced a number of problems from time to time. The most recent and most serious one was the phone hacking scandal in July 2011that led to the closure of News of the World, which was one of the publications made by News International. News of the world, which was a British newspaper published by News International was accused of hacking into phones of celebrities and invading their voice mail accounts. According to Chisholm-Burns, Vaillancourt, and Shepherd, management is the skill of promoting people’s talents and providing the m with ways to enrich themselves and opportunities for growth in order to maximize productivity (23). Management is also concerned with distribution and employment of resources to perform tasks and attain objectives. During the first decades of the twentieth century, a number of achievements were made in the field of management. This was as a result of the development of the scientific management theory by Frederick Taylor, the administrative theory by Henry Fayol, and the theory of corporate social responsibility by Milton Friedman. The major representative of scientific management is Frederick Taylor. According to Bagad, scientific management is a concept within that stresses on the application of scientific methods in work in order to be able to study and evaluate workers (6). Scientific management takes a classical management approach. Scientific management has four basic elements which include determining the one best way to do each job, selecting the best persons for each job, training the best persons for each job in the one best way to do the job, and use of monetary incentives to encourage a proper days work for a proper day’s pay. The whole approach by Taylor was essentially based on scientifically learning and weighing the labor involved in doing each job, and then choosing the only best way to accomplish the complete number of processes. Frederick Taylor determined the principles explaining how work in a company could be done. Bagad points out that â€Å"according to Taylor, once these principles were defined, all the workers could be trained to do the work â€Å"the one best way†, rather than relying on their own various rules of thumb† (8). Taylor came up with a method called time and motion study and in his scientific management theory; he made it clear that there is quite a difference in carrying out tasks, recruiting and training workers, and establishing incentives systems. Therefore, workers have the responsibility of do ing work, while the management has the responsibility of planning for recruitment, training and developing incentive systems. The modern management theory was developed by Henry Fayol. He came up with six distinct industrial and business activities and their respective functions. These activities were technical, commercial, financial, security, accounting, and administrative or managerial

Monday, September 9, 2019

Clinical condition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Clinical condition - Essay Example It is worth noting that patients with this medical complication may also experience weight loss in spite of increased appetite and hair loss (Zaidi 89). Other symptoms of the disease can only be identified through physical examination of the patient by a medical practitioner. These include excessive lacrimation, premature ventricular expansions and contractions and rigid thyroid (MacLachlan, Sandra, & Basil 52). A clinical examination of a patient suffering from Graves’ disease may provide the following results; for instance, a Graves’ disease patient can be examined with rapid heartbeats, muscular weakness and protuberance of the eyes (either one or both eyes). Fatigue, increased appetite and weight loss are also other diagnostic results of Graves’ disease (MacLachlan, Sandra, & Basil 76). Medical practitioners have characterized Graves’ disease as a condition whose causes are not readily determined and have since concluded that there seems to be a genetic predisposition for the condition. This is an implication that some people are more likely to contract the disease as compared to others and this is as a result of their genetic inheritance. Nonetheless, a bacterium called Yersinia Enterocolitica has since been associated with the disease. Medical specialists have discovered that the bacterium contributes to the advance of thyroid autoimmunity; which is closely attributed to Graves’ disease (Zaidi 95). Treatment of Graves’ disease must be administered by a certified medical practitioner and includes the prescription of anti-thyroid drugs. This type of medication is known to limit the secretion of thyroid hormone. Medication is always given for between six months and two years. It is worth noting that the administration of these drugs into the human body have side effects of potentially grave reduction of the level of white blood cells (Zaidi 109). Zaidi,

Sunday, September 8, 2019

No need for topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

No need for topic - Essay Example The second stage of moral development intensifies the right/wrong and good/bad practices to encompass the notion of satisfying own needs. Based on the implications of the decision made by the decision maker, Weber argues that aspects of fairness and equal sharing can be interpreted in that context.3 For example, the above move by directors would have a consequential implication to organizational shareholders and the firm at large. Stage three is primarily based on personal behavior. Specifically, members of any given society are expected to behave and conduct themselves in a certain way. In so doing, participants derive behavior-based satisfaction with respect to that which is naturally acceptable to the society. Here, the rules of the majority are essentially in play. On the other hand, the identified fourth stage of moral development deals with societal perspectives of generalized morals. For example, bakers are generally held to be trustworthy and their behavior in and out of work should reflect this expectation. However, this many not always be the case with regard to both the third and fourth stages of moral development. Any given society in its entirety accords rights to its members. In this respect, stage five defines the right and the wrong based on the rights accorded to the members of the society. On the same note, a society’s standards are upheld through the said rights, subsequently influencing the moral factor in that society. When it comes to the final stage of moral development, the definition of what is right is personalized. In other words, an individual’s ethical and moral principles drive the right/wrong definition. In this respect, what is rightfully, ethically, and morally accepted by one individual or society may not necessary be accepted by another subject to the provisions of the last two stages of moral development. Part B Translating theory into practice takes diverse and dynamic approaches. This is because organizational operations, strategies, goals, and objectives differ from one organization to another. For this reason, the operationalization of Kohlberg’s model within an organization requires a strategic approach. On the same note, the taken approach must be aligned and consistent with organizational short term and long term prospects. The practice of Kohlberg’s model would, therefore, require managers to be sensitive to the organizational culture and operations in play. To start with, managers do not necessarily have to implement every aspect of Kohlberg’s model. This is because some of the aspects of Kohlberg’s model may or may not be relevant for some organizational practices. In this respect, managers need to evaluate the organizational culture in play against the Kohlberg’s model. In so doing, managers would note ineffective areas within the organization as far as Kohlberg’s model is concerned. Once this has been done, the chosen provisions of the model can now be implemented. For example, an organization’s definition of right and wrong may be primarily built on the general societal